Hello Members;


 I hope that you are well and staying safe during these trying times.  In an effort to help all of our members stay sharp and engaged we have coordinated a few FREE online Continuing Education Credit opportunities.  It is our hope that you will take advantage of these learning modules from the comfort of your home.  Please register thru the Facebook events links below and or directly thru the Eventbrite links provided.  If you know of anyone interested in the topics listed please note that we have opened these workshops up to the public for only $10 a seminar! Once registered you will be emailed the Zoom meeting link closer to the date.  If you have any questions please let me know.  

Seminar Topics Include


Zang Fu Organs & Associated Syndromes

Chinese Herbs & Everyday Life

 Business Model in a Post Covid World

Breathing Techniques, Fitness and Personal Well-Being


LINKS to online Facebook events for CEU CREDITS;


Zang Fu Relationships & Associated Syndromes–<May 29th-10am>

How to Integrate Chinese Herbs Into Your Daily Life—-<May 29th-2pm>

Breath Work & Fitness for the Enhancement of Personal Well-Being–<May 30th-10am>

A Brave New World: Consumer Changes & How Businesses Can Respond–<May 30th-2pm>


If you are not on Facebook here are the direct links to register/get your ticket for your seminar via Eventbrite;

GET YOUR TICKET FOR Zang Fu Relationships & Associated Syndromes–<May 29th-10am>

GET YOUR TICKET FOR How to Integrate Chinese Herbs Into Your Daily Life—-<May 29th-2pm>

GET YOUR TICKET FOR Breath Work & Fitness for the Enhancement of Personal Well-Being–<May 30th-10am>

GET YOUR TICKET FOR A Brave New World: Consumer Changes & How Businesses Can Respond–<May 30th-2pm>


Don’t forget to like us on Facebook to keep up to date on upcoming learning modules. 


In Partnership

Angel Reyes-Giacalone-R. Ac, BA, PA, BFA

Director of Marketing CMAACNS-#2109-19

Registered Acupuncturist

Sri Sri Yoga Instructor



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